Levan o Polsce

Dodał: akowalska Napisał: Study & Fun team Źródło: www.blog.studyfun.pl Tagi: Kielce, Wolontariat

Wywiad z gruzinem Levanem Khutsishvili, studentem politologii i administracji na Uniwerysytecie w Tibilisi. Levan mieszka w Kielcach, a jego zajęcia w ramach wolontariatu polegają na zaznajamianiu kieleckiej młodzieży z historią Gruzji i pracą wolontariusza.

Describe your volunteering in Poland.
Levan: I am in very interesting project. My friend from Italy (another Volunteer) and me are going in different schools of the region, and making presentations about our countries and about volunteering.

What has surprised you in Poland?
Levan: Thing that I feel here as at home, situation, people, places are fantastic, very warm environment. Super!

How did you come up with the idea of volunteering in Poland?
Levan: Poland is very interesting country, I knew quite a lot about it, and wanted to come here, also  I wanted to do EVS project, so I’m here.

Do you remember the first days of volunteering in Poland? Describe the struggles you went through:
Levan: Remember this first days, It was 6 month ago, I felt a bit lost, but very soon, in 2 or 3 days everything was ok, because I meet with great people, and they helped me a lot.

Tell us about the differences between live in Poland and live in motherland.
Levan: Poland is really European country, and u feel it everywhere, life style is differant, life conditions are better here, than in Georgia.

Why did you choose Poland as a place for volunteering?
Levan: I like country very much, so why not?! And than its easer to travel all around Europe, from here.
Do you know any famous people from Poland?
Levan: Yes, of course, some great writers and poets, and also your ex president for example.

Which places in Poland have a positive influence on you?
Levan: Whole Swiętokrzyskie region is great, and all the big cities or small villages are wonderful.

What do you want to do after volunteering?
Levan: I will finish my master, and than will do PHD,, or another Master abroad… I don’t know yet.

Thank you very much for your time. We really appreciate it and ensure we will use this interview for our purposes only. Good luck and have fun :)

Study & Fun team

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